Full Information, about kamakhya temple in english

Hi! If you want to know about Kamakhya temple, on the right page. In this article, you will get complete information about kamakhya temple in english. Located on the Nilachal mountain in the Indian state of Assam, this temple is famous all over India due to its power and glory.

This temple is related to a historical event that happened in ancient times. Here people do astrology study Sadhana to fulfill their wishes and attain power and accomplishment. We will know in detail one by one below.

Introduction of Goddess Kamakhya, (who was goddess kamakhya) about kamakhya temple in english.

about kamakhya temple in english
image credit; Google, Kamakhya temple

Kamakhya Temple’s Goddess Mother Kamakhya originated from Mata Sati who was the first wife of Lord Shiva. And whose father was Prajapati Daksh. Daksh pleased Adi Shakti Bhagwati by doing penance and asked Bhagwati to be born as his daughter.

Then Bhagwati was born as the daughter of Daksh, who was named Sati. This girl was divine and supernatural compared to the other daughter of Daksh.

Sati’s marriage and her father Daksh’s displeasure, about kamakhya temple in english.

when the time of Sati’s marriage came, her father Prajapati Daksh arranged a Swayamvar for a groom eligible for Sati. But Daksh did not invite Lord Shiva to go to the Swayamvar. Daksh did not consider Shiva a suitable groom for his daughter but Adi Shakti Sati wanted to marry Shiva only.

Finding Shiva absent in the Swayamvar, Sati took Shiva’s name and put the garland on the ground. At the same time, Shiva appeared, the garland was put around her neck and then Shiva left with Sati. Daksh did not like marrying Shiva and he became angry with his daughter.

Organization of Yagya and the arrival of Sati.

Sometime after Sati’s marriage, her father Prajapati Daksh prepared a yagya function. in which he invited all the relatives and all the gods and goddesses except Shiva and Sati. when Narad Muni tells Sati about the Yagya, your father is preparing a Yagya and you are not invited.

After getting the information, Sati made up her mind to go there. Then Sati asked Shiva also to go, but Shiva forbade to Sati from going without invitation but Sati did listen to Shiva and went away.

Insult of Shiva and burning of Sati.

When Sati reached on the Yagya function in her father’s home, she asked your father. Why didn’t you invite my husband Shiva and me? After hearing from their daughter Sati, angry by the marriage Daksh already had the intention of insulting because Daksh doesn’t like Shiva, so he started to insult Shiva among all the people.

When the insulting speech was over by Father Daksh,  after hearing very insulation from her father, Sati jumped into the Yagya fire pit present there to end her life.

Shiva’s anger and Prajapati Daksh’s death.

As soon as Sati fell into the fire pit. That’s when engrossed in meditation Shiva’s eyes were opened and he angrily pulled a strand from his hair and threw it on the land,

at the same time there appeared a powerful form of Shiva, Veer Bhadra then Lord Shiva ordered him, Go and kill Prajapati Daksh and whoever comes on your way, finish them. Finally, Veer Bhadra killed Sati’s father Prajapati Daksh.

The dismemberment of Sati’s dead body and the birth of Shaktipeeth.

Lord Shiva took out the dead body of Sati from the fire pit in your lap and having carried her in your lap he started a destroying dance which was very dangerous for the universe. Lord Vishnu fired his Sudarshan Chakra on Sati’s dead body to cut out from Shiva’s lap and reduce Lord Shiva’s anger.

When Sati’s body was cut out into 52 pieces and wherever these pieces fell on earth, different forms of Adi Sakti’s Bhagwati appeared There is called 52 Saktipeeth. The vagina of Mother Sati was fallen in Kamakhya, hence the vagina is worshipped here and there appeared goddess Kamakhya form of Adi Sakti Bhagwati so it is called Kamakhya temple.

Glory and benefits, about kamakhya temple in english.

All the people who worship and pray to Mother Kamakhya in this temple have their wishes fulfilled by the grace of Mother Kamakhya. Those who especially meditate for astrological power also get powers through the grace of Devi Kamakhya. After gaining divine power, Such people can do unbelievable things Which is impossible for a common human being.  These people are called astrologers.

Introduction of Prajapati Daksh.

Prajapati Daksh was one of the 10 sons of Lord Brahma who was created by the mind of Brahma Ji and he had two wives, one’s name was Prasuti and the second’s name was Virani. Among two wives he had 84 daughters and 30,000 sons. One of all daughters was Sati, the incarnation of Adi Sakti Bhagwati and her mother was Prasiti. According to the Puranas, Daksh’s kingdom was in the Himalayan region of Kashmir valley.

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